A look at some of the programs and projects that our foundation run to help improve the lives of widows and children throughout Sierra Leone
From community-based agricultural projects to grant funding and support for self-employment, we run a number of projects simultaneously to provide resources, skills, and experience to women and children living in poverty.
Our projects are run in line with our mission statement of helping people rise above the challenges of poverty and rejections, through education and economic development.
Widows Community Farming
Widows Community Farming gives widows in Sierra Leone the chance to enhance their agricultural abilities whilst also helping to provide resources to their local area.
Our project is to help reduce make people feel safer and grant children and widows with access to light allowing them to study and work after dark.
Backpack Donation
The backpack scheme provides school bags, school supplies, toys, uniforms, toiletries, and shoes for underprivileged children in Africa either directly or through other charity organisations.
Kiosk Project
One of our more recent projects creates a hub for villages and a job for widows. Providing them with access to various wholesale points and an area to sell those goods.
Widows Small Business
Small scale agriculture: skills training, bank account opening, land acquisition, equipment, tools, and seeds.
Provision of rice milling machines to service rice farmers in their communities.
Co-operative small scale Shea Butter production and packaging.
Adopt-a-widow Project
JNJF will train and equip Ebola widows, Mudslide Widows, and Ex-Servicemen, and other Widows with Business Development Skills to successfully embark on a small scale entrepreneur activity for profit.